Those with a B come in the second phase, showing that they are slower and take more time to arrive. This means you can place it on the first phase. Say you pick a recon patrols with a jeep and a. You spend activation points to acquire units. One of Eugen’s innovations here is how combat takes place in three phases - A, B, and C. You control small squads of infantry, Jeeps and tanks (both light scouts and heavy tank-killers), distinct cannons, call in air strikes, and even summon the big naval guns from vessels off the beach. It has more than 400 units from the U.S., English, Polish, French, and German armies (and others, too). It has single-player skirmish modes and a campaign, and it offers up to 10-vs.-10 multiplayer. Steel Division runs on Eugen’s in-house game engine, Iriszoom. Three top investment pros open up about what it takes to get your video game funded. That’s what we want to show you, on a skirmish map.”

We have, I would say, a personal point of view on this conflict, especially Normandy. “What we’re doing with Steel Division is using the World War II setting and a great amount of history to build up a new experience. His studio has been working on wargames since its founding in 2000. What we’ve created with Wargame is-we’ve crafted a unique experience, where you have tactical and military warfare realism, high realism in terms of expectations for the player, a great amount of freedom to build up your army, the excitement of realtime combat,” said Alexis Le Dressay, the creative director of Eugen Systems, in an interview Monday at the Game Developers Conference. Right now we’re working on Steel Division: Normandy ’44. We’ve also done R.U.S.E., in 2010, which was a more accessible game. It’s sold a bit more than two million copies. We’ve done the Wargame series in the last five years.

“We’ve been doing real-time strategy for the last 17 years.